Tuesday 7 June 2011

TUTORIAL - Bunting Note Cards.

My first full day back home after my wonderful break in Dorset, sat in my studio surrounded by boxes, bags and drawers of all my 'stuff'. Aah precious 'stuff' how I missed you! Day four's project for 30 days of creativity was a simple set of bunting note cards. 

They weren't exactly rocket-science to make, but as I'm feeling generous today I thought I'd write you a tutorial so you can make your own.

You will need:
  • Fabric scraps
  • Pencil
  • Glue
  • Sewing machine/needle and thread
  • Scissors
  • Card stock
  • Envelopes

Step 1: Gather your fabrics.
 Now then, if you're anything like me, you will absolutely refuse to throw anything away.I mean, anything. Including the smallest of fabric scraps (mine all go straight in a drawer until they have a use). These scraps are absolutely PERFECT for this project so if you have some that need using, go ahead and use them. 
I went one step further and used paper-backed fabric remnants from old sample books. The paper bits usually get in the way if I'm using the fabric remnants for other projects, but they're 100% perfect for paper crafts *fact*.

 Step 2: Draw out your flags.
This step is not mandatory, all the other flags I chopped out were just  non-pencilled guess work.. Three snips will generally give you a pretty triangular looking triangle but I thought I'd give you this step just in case you like your accuracy.

 Step 3: Cut your flags out.
Pretty Simple, but PLEASE - DO NOT USE YOUR EXPENSIVE FABRIC  SHEARS - they will blunt!

Step 4: Grab your card stock.

Step 5: Draw a faint line in pencil where you want your flags to 'hang'.
Mine's so faint you probably can't even see it. It's there - honest! Again, this step is not mandatory but it'll help if you lay your flags out in a beautiful line and the wind blows them all over the floor, you've still got that guideline. Now who's laughing?

Step 6: Lay your flags out.
Use your pencil line as a guide for your flags and lay them in any which order you like, mix it up with different colours or stick to a simple colour scheme.

Step 7: Stick your flags down!
Once you're happy with your arrangement, glue your flags down to keep them in place. I used a trusty Pritt Stick but any old glue will do.

Step 8: Leave to dry!   
Ta-Dah, you're done! You can leave the cards just like this if you want and call it a day. OR you can take it one step further and put some stitches in them! The following steps are optional.

Step 9: Sew through your bunting!
This just adds a little something more to your note cards. Choose a thread you like the look of that goes with your flags and sew through the top of them! Be sure to leave your tails long enough either end to tie once you're done. If you don't want to stitch it you could glue some ribbon, string or wool down instead.

Step 10: Finish off your ends.
Pull your threads through to the back.
 Secure your top thread to your bobbin thread with a double knot.
Snip your freddies.
 ♥ FIN ♥


  1. Love love LOVE these :D So pretty!

  2. These are adorable in their simplicity! Thank you for the tut.

  3. You are so clever! I am no good at all at this sort of thing. Love the note cards. xx

  4. I love them. The paper backing must really help to keep them flat, I guess you could starch regular fabric before using it.

  5. You are an angel!!! I've been trying to figure out how to get the paper backing off fabric samples for ages. Now I'm not going to bother. Card making is clearly the answer! Duh! Why didn't I think of that? Lovely cards x

  6. @BeckyButton, Thank you! Inspired by your wonderful bunting necklace, no less!

    @LimeRiot, no problem, they're so fun to make and take no time at all!

    @Deb, Give it a go it's so simple :) Make a set and tie them together like in my first image and you've made a great gift for someone special!

    @Averilpam Thank you lovely! The paper backing is absolutely perfect but if you didn't have any laying around you wouldn't even need to starch plain fabric, just stick it down with a dab of fabric glue to keep them in place and the stitches will keep them on the card!

    @Alison, Isn't it great? I've cut out hearts, birdies, flags, flowers, and butterflies and put them all in a little zip bag until they have a use :)


  7. @jooles Bunting.. BUNTING??! Where where?? :D x


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