Thursday, 28 April 2011

Easter weekend - Sunshine, family and a beautiful tribute

I've been a little quiet on the blogging front recently. Things got a bit crazy here and we disappeared for a week to house-sit in the countryside but we're settled back in at home now after an incredibly hectic but beautiful Easter weekend! 

On Friday morning we went to the seaside. We were there well before 9AM to avoid the awful traffic that builds up during such lovely weather, the beach was almost empty apart from a few dog walkers! Even the group of loud less-than-lovely people with sand-throwing, swearing children and a ghetto-blaster (on full blast) who pitched up just feet in front of us (when the entire beach was available) weren't enough to spoil my day!

Saturday afternoon was spent with my wonderful Grandmother who made the most delicious veggie soup for lunch and syrup sponge pudding! She then presented me with an enormous plate of her famous Chocolate Crunch. Now, I don't expect anyone outside of the Knight family to have tried this delicacy, but I can assure you it is absolutely amazing. I'd love to post some pictures, but it's all gone! I suppose I could post a recipe, but I'm sworn to secrecy - I've only just got my hands on it myself.. maybe someday.. maybe.

Sunday morning was an early one. The entire day was to be dedicated to my beautiful Grandmother Pamela Richardson, who sadly passed away in 2005 after a long battle with cancer. Midge and I started the day walking up to the top of Kingley Vale, at 7AM. This is seriously early for me - especially for a Sunday! We took croissants and sat in the sunshine for a while until the rest of the family made it up the top of the hill. My siblings flew kites and we relaxed for a while until it was time for lunch at a local pub. We then walked home through the fields and spent the rest of the afternoon basking in the sunshine. Here are some little snaps I took that day, the misty ones are early morning as you can probably tell!

However, the absolute highlight of the day was this amazing video edited by some members of the family with footage taken from our archive of family Standard and Super 8mm films. It features (amongst others) my beautiful Grandmother, Grandpa, Father, Auntie and Uncle, Great-Great and Great Grandparents. phew. Even though the majority of people reading this blog will not know me in person, it's definitely worth watching as the film quality alone is so so perfect and inspirational.

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter and didn't eat too much chocolate! Big news coming in regards to Dearest Jackdaw this weekend, keep an eye out! ♥

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